Switzerland – Medico/Marketing support to a local distributor for a MedDevice technology innovation

A local distributor wanted to initiated programs for product penetration acceleration, on a distinctive and innovative technology. 


Switzerland: Go/ no-go decision launch of Rx product and OTC extension. 

The local management of a tier-1 global pharma company wanted to understand the interest and sustainability of launching a Rx retail product in Switzerland, potentially an OTC line extension of the same product, and the impact on their own local product portfolio. 


EU-5  - Strategic & Tactical marketing. 

A tier 1 branded pharma products wanted to align skills & capabilities of MM / BM new hires, and optimize the yearly creation and update of marketing plans.

Central & Eastern Europe - Training & Coaching

The Regional management of a global tier 2  pharmaceutical company had noticed a gap on the skills and capabilities of the Central European team, recently joining through the acquisition of a local company.  Regional HR required BUM / GM coaching on specific operational area skills. 


Interim GM in Romania

A tier-1 specialty company had a leadership unexpected and unfortunate loss.  Second line management was not up to the level. 
