Optimization of ill-defined resource allocation - Mexico
Regional management of a global tier 2 branded Gx company was aware of the underperformance of its commercial results on the ATC stronghold, despite a large SF dedicated to promoting the portfolio.
Company had opted to divide the SF in pseudo-mirror teams, and segment the portfolio by ATC4, assigning the products MECE to the mirror teams. Unfortunately, the strategy, well intended on its principle, had a tactical large caveat -- teams were not big enough to cover the geography, and medical reps spent most of the time travelling - with high costs and low effectiveness.
The teams were re-united in one unique team, products were re-classified and re-prioritized under a new marketing strategy to optimize RoI, a whole new territorial sales planning, territorial alignment, physician's targeting lists, objective setting and medico-marketing training plan was prepared for the re-launch. The sales force became not just more effective, also happier and more positive because of the more rational travelling and planning.